Precious Moments
Today, I received an email that really put things into perspective for me. It made me remember that how blessed I am that Stardust is strong enough to cry.
So that I may remember why all things were created
Stardust and I have been having a tough time.
He's all hungryhungryhungryhungryfeedmefeedmefeedmehelpmemummyhelphelp. I'm stressedstressedstressed and stressed out mummy means poor milk supply which means hungry baby which means stressed out mummy ad infinitum.
So, I had to supplement some of his feeds with formula milk. This made me feel lousy and inadequate...but eventually I got more sleep and became less stressed.
I thought that my doctor training with all the oncalls and irregular working hours would prepare me for the sleep deprivation and stress. But it doesn't because there is no post-call afternoon sleep on this job.
I live continually in the hope that tomorrow will be a better day.